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DXM Wholesale

Welcome to DXM Wholesale, We will clear the inventory products in batches to provide you with more high-quality and low-cost products.

DXM Wholesale offers a wide variety of jewelry and accessories such as necklaces, belts, scarves, earrings, bracelets, glasses, bags, watches, household items, plush toys, keychains and more... Bringing you fashion accessories , always try to do the best good customer service, the most fashionable accessories and high quality jewelry and the cheapest price to satisfy our customers.

795 anuncios abiertos

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17 reseñas recibidas (71% positiva, 12/17)

After 17 days my items have not arrived. They marked my purchases as 'completed' but their site information hasn't changed since they accepted my order and took my money. DXM Wholesale does not answer my messages and haven't provided tracking information. Terrible communication. Still waiting on my order or some information about shipping.

Trayce H acerca del anuncio Men's Hip Hop Vintage Ring - 80 pcs hace 12 horas.

I have not got any packages yet paid on the first of jan it's been in the same spot i don't know where it's being ship from but still waiting.

Still have not received my package and no update on the shipping at all.

Taylor D acerca del anuncio Michael Kors Handbags - 10pcs 8 días atrás.