CBwholesalers *

We are a Wholesaler of New, Overstock & Shelf Pulls for many Major and Minor Department Stores. We generally have items in categories such as Clothing, Shoes, Bedding, Toys, Electronics and even Furniture. Check back with us often for new available inventory at below wholesale prices.

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8 received reviews (75% positive, 6/8)

I would take issue with labeling your listing as from Major Department stores when in fact, it all came from Target. I have been in retail all my life and Walmart, Kmart and Target are NOT Department stores....they are discount retail stores. Macys, Nordstrom, Dillards, JC Penny, Sears ARE Department stores. Labeling your listing in this way is very misleading.

just as described. arrived on time.

My second purchase. The first one was great. This purchase had a lot issues.