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Natural Himalayan Pink Salt 1kg

ORGALIFE Pink Rock Salt all-natural, reddish-pink granules of Pink Rock Salt sourced from the Himalayan cliffs where they have crystallized for millions of years in a pristine and unpolluted environment. Naturally abundant in essential minerals and trace elements, ORGALIFE Pink rock salt adds a zesty punch to favourite dishes.

Benefits of Orgalife Natural Himalayan Pink Salt:
Orgalife Natural Himalayan pink salt has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is believed to offer several health benefits, including:

Improved hydration: Natural Himalayan pink salt contains electrolytes, which help to regulate fluid balance in the body and may aid in hydration.
Enhanced nutrient absorption: The trace minerals in natural Himalayan pink salt may help to improve the absorption of other nutrients, such as iron and calcium.
Reduced inflammation: Natural Himalayan pink salt has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce pain and swelling associated with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
Detoxification: Natural Himalayan pink salt is believed to help remove toxins from the body, promote circulation, and improve overall health.
Skin health: Natural Himalayan pink salt can be used in skincare products to help improve skin texture, reduce acne, and promote wound healing.

Quantity of Units In This Lot: 1
Condition: New
Return/Exchange Policy: no
Tags (search terms): pink salt, himalayan salt